Video: WebRTC and the Capital Markets

by | Jun 22, 2016 | Thought Leadership

Leo Papadopoulos, CTO and Co-Founder of Cloud9 Technologies, recently presented at the 19th International Cloud Expo, part of the Internet of Things Expo in New York City. His session covered how WebRTC is bringing significant change to the communications landscape that will bridge the worlds of web and telephony, making the Internet the new standard for communications.

He also discussed how Cloud9 took the road less traveled and used WebRTC to create a downloadable enterprise-grade communications platform that is changing the communication dynamic in the financial sector.  During the presentation you will learn:

  • The impact WebRTC has on modern communications
  • How it enables companies to focus on building intellectual property into their platforms that support customer needs
  • How WebRTC can support enterprise-grade applications that provide the performance, service, and support levels expected by Fortune 100 companies

Watch the video below.

Want to learn more about Cloud9, and how our platform supports enterprise-grade performance, reliability, and security for the highly regulated finance industry?  Get a quick introduction to the platform here.